Refund Policy

This Refund Policy applies in addition to the PharmainFuture TERMS AND CONDITIONS. By purchasing a ticket on the PharmainFuture platform, you are bound to this Refund Policy. PharmainFuture reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time without notice and refunds will be given solely at PharmainFuture’ discretion. We want everyone using PharmainFuture to have an exceptional experience. However, we understand that sometimes unavoidable situations get in the way. If you change your mind after purchasing a Session Ticket, don’t worry, you can request a refund seven days prior to your event. However, in order for us to ensure Creators and Participants get a fair shake, we’re unable to offer refunds on short notice, for sold-out Sessions, or after a Session takes place. Here are more details on what would be considered an eligible or ineligible refund: Eligible Refunds

  • You change your mind and your Session is seven or more days away.
  • The Session Creator cancels or reschedules the session by more than an hour.

Ineligible Refunds

  • DIDN’T ENJOY A SESSION. While we hope this doesn’t happen, if it does, feel free to contact support to tell us more about your experience.
  • TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES. There are a lot of moving parts to be able to join any webinar experience. Internet access might be spotty, a webcam or microphone might not be configured, or any number of issues with your phone or computer. Unfortunately, we’re not able to give refunds due to technical issues. If you feel the technical difficulties were on our side, please feel free to contact support with more information.
  • MISSED A SESSION. We’ve all been there. Sometimes life gets in the way and we forget about important things. We definitely feel your pain, but we also need to play fair with our Creators who worked hard to produce the Session.
  • BAD BEHAVIOR. In the unlikely event that you are removed from an event for a violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, we are unable to offer you a full or partial refund.