
The PharmainFuture events for recent graduates and students. The main objective of events is to divulge knowledge, in an innovative situation, on the trending topics of the pharma marketing sector, and to provide and promote networking opportunities between students, recent graduates, and industry professionals.

Who Is Eligible for Student Membership?

Individuals enrolled full-time at a college, university, or other educational institutions are eligible for Student Membership with proof of status. We realize circumstances occur when an individual may not be enrolled full-time as a student, however, if the primary intention of the individual is education, student membership is allowed.

How to Join

To join, complete an online membership application with payment. Immediately after payment is accepted, students must complete the process by providing proof of their student status; any of the methods listed below are acceptable:

  • University letter stating “student” status
  • University Web site page indicating the date and “student” status
  • Valid and current Student ID card


For assistance and to get answers to your questions about PharmainFuture Membership and its many benefits, contact: